nose job faq
Dr. Jhonny Salomon

How soon will I see results after surgery?

You will be wearing a nasal splint for the first week. After nasal splint is removed, you will immediately notice great improvment. Swelling can take up to three months to be 75% gone, and up to a year for the other 25% to resolve.


what post operative care will I need?


During the first week after your rhinoplasty, you will be instructed not to lift anything heavy or do any strenuous exercises. Its important to have lymphatic fluid massages at least once a week to reduce the risks of scarring or any other complications. You nose might be stuffy and it might be hard to breath. Do not blow your nose, instead use a saline nasal spray to soften the scabbing or mucous.

what are the risks of rhinoplasty?

As with any surgery, there are always risks. Dr. Jhonny Salomon can thoroughly explain how he conducts all surgeries with great caution during your consultation.